
Posts Tagged ‘Conor’

Conor is 3!

There is just something about this charm fellow that enchants just about anyone he meets. He has a twinkle that you can’t help but love even when he’s being a complete pill (which he does know how to do quite well).

Conor has shown himself to be loving, kind and generous. He has a soft heart that is so open and sweet. Conor has a tender heart so that even when he does things wrong, he’ll fret over them for months. Example, he’s been chewing on the fact that last Christmas he took advantage of his younger cousin and cheap shot shoved her. Since then every so often he will ask to speak with Stella and apologize for shoving her over. Tonight as I was tucking him into bed he says to me, “Mommy, I want God to snuggle me tonight. God makes me happy.” Bless that boy.

This guy has a little OCD or something of the like. He’s the kid that will sidle up to the clerk at the store stocking shelves and begin to help. He likes order and tidiness as in caps closed, boxes square, cupboard doors closed, and rugs centered and unruffled. Recently he’s noticed that our carpet at our house needs to be stretched and I can often find him hovering one particularly bunchy spot going “Uh Oh Mom!”

Happy Birthday our charming boy! May your heart always been so open and joyful about the Lord, may you always want to include your siblings and friends in your joys and discovery. We love you and are so blessed to be your parents on this journey!






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Silly sleepers

Conor has adopted a new sleeping habit in this bunk bed arrangement. He fluffs up all his covers and then pokes just his head out. Sometimes the cover pile reaches so high it touches the top bunk.

He leaves the rest of the bed free. Sometimes its like playing where’s waldo looking for him. Yes that is also Lola who snuck her way into his bed. She isn’t allowed there typically.

While Claire very rarely naps these days, 95% of the time we impose a rest period (like when you’re at the pool). On this day Claire was allowed to rest in our room.

Rest time was over and I came to see why she hadn’t got up, this is how I found her. She tucked Lola into one boppy and settled herself in the other one and fell asleep. The days she insists the most that she isn’t sleepy and doesn’t need to rest are the days I find her sawing logs.

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As stated in the previous post, our little Houdini has decided that he’s going to exercise his free will by not staying in bed night after night. Though we haven’t been terribly concerned that he would injure himself jumping/springing/climbing/falling out of the crib in his efforts to escape, there is no point to a crib bed anymore. Yes we super nanny-ed ourselves up one side and down the other, wordlessly returning him to his bed. We camped out in the room moving back inch by inch night by night hoping to dissuade him from leaving his crib. Perhaps we were the ones who gave up first but at some point usually around 10:30/11, we compromise, give in whatever you want to call it and sit next to his bed holding his hand until he falls asleep. I mean, what else can you do? The child is a monster if he doesn’t sleep and we’re monstrous parents if we don’t sleep, not to mention he is not the only child we need to care for. What I am a little perplexed by is that he doesn’t want to leave his room, he doesn’t fight going to bed, he’s quite chipper the whole time. I think he’s just enjoying the experience of this new freedom without having the maturity to understand the responsibility that goes along with it.

And so, with trepidation, we packed up his crib and passed it along to our youngest. To this point I am joyous. I have felt awful the last six months laying Kieran down in the pack n play night after night. Pack n plays are great but I really wanted a more bed like surface for him to sleep on. So yay! Kieran has a crib. If there wasn’t space in our closet before, there really is none now. Good thing I’m a stay at home mom for a while longer because my professional wardrobe won’t fit into the closet anymore. But back to Conor and this sleep conundrum. Its difficult to describe the feelings we had when switching the bed situation. My parents loaned us a twin bed and mattress for Conor to sleep on, we’ll save the bunk bed purchase until both boys are ready for big kid beds. As we put together the loaner bed there was a sense of heaviness, this was not solving the problem. We had no illusions that this would be the magic bullet to solve our sleep challenges, nothing would change in that department and we were not wrong. Conor is tickled to have a big kid bed but still does not accept or understand the boundaries bedtime creates. He’s still out of his bed off and on. We may be shooting ourselves in the foot here but for the time being we’re camping out in the room until he falls asleep, in this way at least Conor is not disruptive to his sister. Maybe one day when the baby and I aren’t nursing colds and we all aren’t so tired we’ll return to super nanny or the moving one step closer to the door each night but for now, we’re camping out. Tonight I don’t feel quite so bad, I presented my husband with our gift to each other tonight fully charged and loaded with angry birds, look out everyone, we’ve entered the 21st century, my husband is playing angry birds on our tablet…At least he’s entertained while in the waiting.

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A little love story

When I was four, I think it was around Christmas time or just after, I went shopping with my grandmother at I. Maginin’s. We were in the baby section, or furniture section or kids clothing…something like that (those details are not important to a four year old). Laying in a baby crib or cradle was a doll. It was instant love. I mean love. To this day I can remember what this doll was wearing (white Guess? t-shirt blue jean/cotton shorts). This doll was life size, squeezable, loveable and freakishly life like at first glance. I named him Bobby. I carried him around the department. I have no idea how my grandmother (GiGi) got me out of the store without a bi noisy fuss or maybe I did make a fuss, again, those details are not important to a four year old. Anyway, I left the store without the doll.

My birthday was a bit later. At the time, my grandparents had an auto parts store that my mom sister and I would frequent in the afternoons. Anyway, on my birthday we visited the store. At my grandmother’s cubby of the store was a big bag (I think it was red) and filled with tissue paper. My birthday present. Inside the bag was, you guessed it Bobby. From that day for many many years to come, Bobby and I were inseparable. He was given the prime spot on my bed when I wasn’t playing with him. He came to dance class with me, walks on first street, almost all the trips I ever went on as a child. We got dirty looks from people who saw me loping down the street dragging him by one arm, because again, at first glance you could mistake him for real. One summer when I was 8 or 9, my family took a plane trip to Hawaii and I wasn’t allowed to bring Bobby. I made him a bed in a laundry basket and left him in the doorway to my room. After I went to bed at night I would pretend that he was my baby and I would tip toe around the room rocking him and lulling him to sleep. What can I say? I liked my dolls. You could say Bobby was my velveteen rabbit.


I enjoyed snuggling with Bobby for many years. By high school I obviously wasn’t playing with him anymore but he still occupied a place on my bed. He did not go to college with me and after that as life happened, Bobby faded off the radar. He’d been at my parents house from that day to this until…

This past weekend, the kids and I joined my parents for breakfast at their house. Conor and I were playing in my sister’s old room that also happens to house all the dolls and toys my parents have saved from my childhood. Conor pawed through the cabbage patch dolls, the Gotz dolls to Bobby (and Sarah, my sister’s Guess? doll). He grabbed onto both dolls (the two of which were bigger than him) and labored downstairs with them where he began pushing them around in a plastic shopping cart and rocking them in Kieran’s car seat.

Bobby came home with Conor – he wouldn’t be parted from him – though now he has a new name. Conor has named him Kieran…that gets a bit confusing around here. He slept with him (now that freaked me out come morning at first glance), he dances with him, feeds him a bottle, burps him and has updated his 80’s baby doll cloths from real baby Kieran’s closet. Apparently today Conor cried because he couldn’t take his Kieran to the dog park.


Kieran meet…Kieran

A new chapter in Bobby/Kieran’s love story? We shall see, perhaps the nursery magic fairy will make him real for real. Josh’s only request is that he doesn’t join our family as a real baby, our cup currently runneth over with children.

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Where they are now

Its been a while since I’ve done a post devoted to the kids interests and antics. Let’s catch up.

First there is Claire. She’ll be four next month. She started preschool a couple weeks ago. She loves to play with her brothers (for better and worse). She still uses her middle finger as her pointer finger and the finger the flings around when she’s talking (we talk with our hands in this family).

Let’s start with preschool. She’s in a two and a half hour two day a week class. She loves it! She was a little nervous on the preview day but as soon as she saw her friend and the craft table, she didn’t even give me a second look. She comes home with a craft every day and while she’s not so forthcoming about what she did or learned at school, little things eek out the rest of the day, maybe a song she’s learned or what they had for snack. Now she plays school at home and if her brothers won’t cooperate, she enlists her stuffed animals. The other night she had her “class” all set up each doing a different activity. When we gave her a two minute clean up/bathtime warning she turned to the animals and said “class, in two minutes I need to take a bath.”

the first day of school picture

her “class”

Crafts, she is still all about her crafts. She goes through drawing paper like no tomorrow. She loves making cards for every occasion and mailing them too. Glue, marker, cutting, stamp, crayon, she loves it all.

Will wonders never cease, she’s also developed an interest in dolls. Prior to this point, if it had a people face on it, she was not only interested, she didn’t want to be around it. huh…


She and Conor come up with the silliest games and make believe play. Its very frustrating (understandably) when Conor is disruptive or combative (more on that later). This week it was a rocket ship out of the diapers.com box. They have been rocketing to outer space, preschool, the grocery store and Disneyland.



Conor. Oh Conor. How do I accurately encapsulate thee? Let’s put him at a cross between BAM BAM! and Dennis the Menace. Conor is just over 2 and so very 2. His vocab has not caught up with him so of course he melts down at the seemingly smallest things. He currently has two speeds, on and off. He’s still pulling some early mornings (5 or 5:30am). Conor is a climber, a mischief maker, a lover/snuggler, and my picky picky eater.


Conor as Dennis/Bam Bam. From the moment this guy wakes up in the morning he’s going going going. Climbing on the tables, jumping off couches, moving chairs around to climb into the pantry, medicine cabinet and TV. When he’s not climbing and jumping he’s flushing things down the toilet, trying to drink from the dog bowl or whacking things with his plastic hammer. The plastic hammer and Conor have spent a lot of time in time out lately. There are days where I feel like all I do is pull him off the couch or table and put him in time out. He’s at his best in the wide open spaces of the park or the water of the swimming pool. Lately he’s been asserting his dominance over his brother, picking Kieran up by the head or dog piling him.  I can’t and don’t leave the boys alone together even for a moment.

Food. I never know what this guy will eat. One day he’ll eat a piece of bacon, the next day he won’t. One day he’ll eat cheese, the next day he won’t. Turkey, same thing. Hamburger forget it. Hot dogs? Meatballs? Only from the sample ladies at Coscto. Methinks I’m going to have to start dressing in costume come dinner time around our house and get a shopping cart for him to sit in. If its a berry or bread he’ll eat it every time but anything else is hit or miss. The crummy part comes when its all on the same day, he won’t eat any of it. I know someday I’ll long for the days when there wasn’t anything he would eat but for now, I could do with a bit more consistency and open mindedness thank you.


Amidst all this energy, he’s the first to come snuggle when I sit down. If I’m in the kitchen he wants to be there too helping me or being held. He is still his charming self but sometimes its hard to appreciate when served with all that mischief.


Conor has learned to turn the TV on in our bedroom and change channels (two different remotes). Last week while vacuuming the house, the kids retreated to my room to escape the noise. Typically they go to their room but for some reason they were drawn to my room today. When it was time to vacuum my room, I opened the door and found the two of them propped up on the bed, tv on tuned to top chef masters, each with a boppy pillow around their waist, and baby doll on the pillow. “Mom, its too loud, please go away, we’re feeding!” says Claire.


Today, Conor was airing out because of some diaper chaffing on his legs. The kids decided to play vet clinic and Claire asked Conor to be her assistant. She tied an apron around him (he’s still airing out) and Conor begins to chant “I’m a mannequin mom! Mom! I’m a mannequin.” Not three seconds later, he’s put a bucket on his head and decided to abandon the clinic in favor of a marching band. “Marching band!” he proclaims. Then he grabs Lisa, Claire’s paper person she made at school today. Sits on the couch and decides to feed Lisa.

Kieran is 8 months old. I am surprised by this, perhaps its because the weather since January has been some variation of mild to warm. Anyway, Kieran is 8 months old! He’s chunked up a bit (by his standards). He’s crawling, especially when motivated by an attractive wrapper that crinkles. He has two teeth. He’s eating solids although he much prefers store bought food to the stuff I have made him. (argh!).


Kieran is a generally happy guy as long as his brother isn’t trying to pick him up or pile on top of him. He cracks up at his siblings’ antics. He’s getting used to kisses from Lola. He is still up once or twice a night, most times it only involves me once a night so I can do that. He likes to swing and bounce. He has his dad’s smile, do doubt about that one. He chatters away in the car, especially if there is music and he likes to play the tambourine. Seriously he does.



My three little loves. They are busy. Sometimes I feel like I need to have a retreat at the funny farm but man do I love these muchkins.

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The kids

the beenie boppers and glasses were his doing, the ball under the shirt was all Meme.

Not sure what was up with the stink face but the outfit is cute.





bobbing along


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The boys were dedicated at church on Sunday. The dedication is a promise on our part to raise the boys’ on a Godly path and a promise on the part of our church family to pray for them and us as they grow. We were blessed to have both sets of grandparents, a great grandma, and Uncle B, Auntie B and a very vocal sing songy Ellie present to support us. (Sorry, no pictures yet of the actual event)


Claire and Conor unimpressed by Kieran’s crying.

a rare family photo.

We chose Jeremiah 29:11-13 to be a passage for the boys.
11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

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An Update in Pictures

Wow, its been a while since there has been a significant picture post. So, enjoy the photos of the kids this month.

little something to eat before swim lessons.

washing the car, somebody really likes her ‘hello kitty’ swim suit.

ahh…sweet sleep…with a ball…why not?

‘I look like my dad.’

I’m sleeping on the floor of the garage because I tired myself out after a temper tantrum.

we’re just two guys, hanging out on the table.

sharing a snack with Pooh.


relaxing after kids yoga.

somebody needs his own mouse ears.

today I’m a carhart boy for my dad and my cousin Travis.

Hello, I’m Ranger Smith!



a boot, perfect for holding a sippy cup to drink from.

going out to help dad mow the lawn.

the rocks needed a good washing.

making birdie soup






Claire’s first day of soccer school.

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Though we spent much of January and early February battling a nasty cold, we are gaining our groove as a family of five. Surprisingly to me, the week preceding Kieran’s arrival were more difficult for me than just about any day we’ve had since then. I don’t do well with the waiting game and awaiting his arrival definitely falls into that category.

this picture, completely set up by my children, they love holding the baby, in fact, I have to regulate so Kieran doesn’t end up being pass the potato.

Claire and Conor continue to be enamored and loving towards Kieran. They each have their own ways of coping with their transition. Conor hauls off and whaps Kieran from time to time though it doesn’t seem to be malicious. He is also a trifle more mommyish and loves to share my lap with Kieran. On some occasions all three like to share my lap, giving me good reason not to lose my babyweight (thereby decreasing my lap size). Claire fares a bit better, I’m guessing having been through this song and dance before. She does at times resort to baby talk (e.g. Daddy becomes DA…DA…) and temporary bouts of helplessness.



Before Kieran arrived I had a short list of things I anticipated I would not be able to do with all three in tow simply by logistics. I am pleased to report that we have attempted several things on that list and had a successful outcome, not to mention a good time. We’ve braved Target, Trader Joes, Raleys, the park, playdates, walks around town, and the beginning of the kids’ swim lessons.

the kids playing Marine hospital (Claire’s words, not mine). Dr. Claire and her assistant Nurse Conor.

Our mornings can be a little chaotic. I’ve learned to do multitasking that I never thought I would be doing like nursing the baby and pulling Conor’s foot out of the toilet or nursing the baby and taking Conor off the kitchen table, or nursing and chasing after Conor who has run outside at 7am in his pjs…notice a theme? Things seem to go haywire while I am feeding the baby.


In another development, Claire has turned the corner in potty training. I had stopped posting about our journey because the three of us were discouraged and there was not anything going on. Josh and I had backed off but it still did not seem to be important to Claire. So we allowed the whole thing to be Claire directed, if she wanted to wear a pullup, she wore a pullup, if she wanted to wear undies she wore undies. So it has been for months with no noticeable improvement and all of us sad at the issue it had become. Then one day we decided to drop the option (once again of pull ups except for nap and night. That day Claire asked to wear undies at naptime and we have not looked back since. We have an occasional accident but that is all. Its like the experts say. It will click with them one day and for Claire it did with a lot of prayer and some time.

And so it goes. Each day we get our groove and off we go!

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Warming the Heart – Conor

My priceless moment of the day? Sharing an apple with Conor while the other two kids are sleeping. In the midst of a good cuddle and some laughter, he discovers a pair of his sister’s socks. As if no longer able to bear separation from her, he nabs the socks and runs off to her room. When I attempt to stop him he turns, looks at me pleadingly and cries “sis!!!!!” (how I can refuse him?) I nod, he continues on to her room but stops at my door (where the baby is sleeping) and whispers “HI!” before going into his sis.

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